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Working with Color and Fills

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Access Colors in the DesignCenter

Set Fill Style

Select by Color

Display/Hide Objects by Color

Working with Colors

DesignCenter - Colors
DesignCenter Colors

When an object is selected its fill type will be listed under the Fill tab in the Color, Fill and Pen tools in the DesignCenter, as shown above. From here you can access many of the color tools available in SignMaster Cut, as outlined below and covered in specific topics in the Color help topics, also see DesignCenter

Related Topics
Wireframe Fill
Reverse Fill

Fill Mode

Working with Colors


Do the following

Access Colors in the DesignCenter To access the DesignCenter click on DesignCenter Tools (as shown above) and the DesignCenter will pop-out, next select Colors, Fills and Pen Tools (also shown above).
Set Fill Style Fills

Open the DesignCenter as explained above;

2. Click on the Object that you wish to set a Fill to with the Pick tool
3. Select the Fill type (as shown directly above) and the default fill will be applied to the selected Object or Objects;
Please note Selecting Other... extends the selection and allows you to set any one of several specialist fills, see System Colors
Select by Color
Select by Color 1.

Open the DesignCenter as explained above;

2. Click Select Colors and Select Objects will open (as shown directly above);
3. Click in the required check boxes and OK and the related Objects will be selected;
Please note You can click Invert to Select everything that isn't selected and unselect everything that is.
Select by Color
Display/Hide Objects by Color 1.

Open the DesignCenter as explained above;

2. Click the Select tab (as shown directly above);
3. Click on the required Colors and the related Objects will become selected in the designing area;
4. Click Hide to set the selected objects to become invisible i.e. no longer visible in the designing area - or - Display/Select to make the objects visible again;
Please note You can click Invert to Select everything that isn't selected and unselect everything that is.

If you wish to save or load-in color charts please see Color Libraries

Related Topics

SignMaster Cut and Colors (Overview)
The SignMaster Cut Colorbar
Uniform (Solid) Colors
Spot Color Mixer (Editor)
Working with Spot Colors
Color Libraries (Named and Vinyl Color Charts)
Understanding Color and Models

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