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Working with Color and Fills

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Edit Colors in the DesignCenter

Display the Spot Colorbar

Choose a Spot Color

Edit the Spot Color

Working with Spot Colors

Fill Tools
Artistic Text in the Design Center
Color Palettes and Spot Colors

Along with the Spot Color mixer which is discussed in the previous topic you can also access Spot Colors from the Spot Colorbar and see saved Spot Colors in the Palette tab, as shown above.

Edit Colors in the DesignCenter
There is also a simplified Color Mixer in the DesignCenter, see the Edit Color tab in the Colors, Fills and Pen Tools category in the DesignCenter

Working with the Spot Color Mixer


Do the following

Display the Spot Colorbar

Click on Spot Colors Spot Colors and the Spot Colors will pop-out (as shown above)

Choose a Spot Color

Select the Palette you wish to choose a Spot Color from by clicking Spot Colors and selecting the Palette from the Color Libraries

Edit the Spot Color 1.

Click on the Pick tool and select the Object which has the Spot Color you wish to edit;

2. Click on Spot Color Editor (as shown above);

The Spot Color Editor allows you to select and works with the following Color Models: CMY, CMYK, Greyscale, L*a*b* and RGB.

Once you have selected the Color Model you can then set the value for each Color Channel to obtain the precise color you require.

Once you have the color you require you can then set a Code and/or Name for that color by simply typing these into the fields provided, as shown above. Once you click on Apply the selected object(s) in the program will change to that color and so long as the object remains in the document SignMaster Cut will remember the Code and Name given for that exact color.

If you wish to save or load-in color charts please see Color Libraries

Related Topics

SignMaster Cut and Colors (Overview)
The SignMaster Cut Colorbar
Working with Colors
Uniform (Solid) Colors
Spot Color Mixer (Editor)
Color Libraries (Named and Vinyl Color Charts)
Understanding Color and Models

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