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Working with Color and Fills

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Apply a Color Fill to an Object

Apply a Pen Color to an Object

Use the Color Range

Set the Default Fill Color

Set the Default Pen Color

Display the Colors in Use

The SignMaster Cut Colorbars

Open Color Libraries Selector

The SignMaster Cut Colorbar is broken into several key sections (as shown above). In the top-right section you can take the current color and place it in the Reserve fill by selecting it and clicking the down arrow or using the Color Pipette (picker) and then apply the Reserve color to another object. Below this section is Wireframe on/off for the selected Object and Reverse Fill. Below these are the Standard Colors followed by the Spot Color pop-out button, then colors in use or selected and the default Fill and Pen (stroke) color.

Working with the SignMaster Cut Colorbar


Do the following

Apply a Color Fill to an Object

To apply a color to a selected object simply click on the required color and it will be applied as the selected object's fill color.

Please note You can also set the fill color to None by clicking on No Fill
Apply a Pen Color to an Object

To apply a color to a selected object's pen simply Right-click on the required color and it will be applied as the selected object's pen color.

Please note You can also set the pen color to None by Right-clicking on No Fill
Use the Color Range

To use the Color Range (dynamic colors) click on the far left or right color swatch and it will darken (using the right side swatch) and lighten (using the left side swatch) and be applied as the selected object's fill color.

Please note You can use the right mouse button to apply the pen color using the same technique.
Set the Default Fill Color

With nothing selected click on the color you wish to set as the Default Fill Color which will be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of SignMaster Cut

Set the Default Pen Color

With nothing selected Right-click on the color you wish to set as the Default Pen Color which will be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of SignMaster Cut

Display the Colors in Use

Click on Spot Colors Spot Colors and the Spot Colors will pop-out.

If you wish to save or load-in color charts please see Color Libraries

Related Topics

SignMaster Cut and Colors (Overview)
Working with Colors
Uniform (Solid) Colors
Spot Color Mixer (Editor)
Working with Spot Colors
Color Libraries (Named and Vinyl Color Charts)
Understanding Color and Models

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