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Working with Color and Fills

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Find Color

Select a Color Palette (Chart)

Adjust an Existing Color

Create a Custom Palette

Delete a Spot Color Palette

Add a New Color

Delete a Color Swatch

Find (Match) a Color

Import Color Charts

Import Adobe Color Charts

Color Libraries (Named and Vinyl Color Charts)

Color Libraries

Click Image to Magnify [+]

The Color Libraries Selector and Mixer comes with thousands of color swatches of the most popular color charts from the world's leading vinyl manufactures and suppliers. You can easily set any color chart to become available in the Colorbar directly below SignMaster Cut's system colors, as shown above. This utility also allows you to create your own color palettes (color charts) and save these off to be used whenever required and/or to share them with your friends and colleagues.

Find Color
The Color Libraries also lets you find the closest color swatch to any RGB color. This is helpful to find what named color is the closest to any given color.

Working with the Color Libraries Selector and Mixer


Do the following

Select a Color Palette (Chart) Color Tools

Click on the Color Libraries tool (as shown directly above) and the Color Libraries window will open as shown at the top.


Expand out the type of Color Chart you require by clicking on its Expand button in the left column;

3. Navigate to the Color Chart itself and select it which will in-turn load its Color Swatches into the center column, as shown in the example above;
4. Click on Accept and the selected Color Chart will become available for use in the lower group of colors in the SignMaster Cut Colorbar, as shown above at the top.
Adjust an Existing Color 1. Check the Show Color Details box in the bottom left corner of the Color Libraries window;
2. Select the Color Swatch you wish to adjust from within the Color Palette (Chart) in the center column, as shown in the example above;
3. Using the Adjustment Sliders or the Numerical fields under the Color Details tab you can adjust the color as required and/or change the text fields above the color sliders as needed;
4. Once adjusted, click Update for these adjustments to be applied, then Accept to be permanently saved.
Please note If you accidentally make a mistake you can restore the Color Libraries back to the standard factory colors by clicking on Open and navigating to the DefaultLibrary.ColLib file which should be located in ("Win Drive Letter"):\Users\~Your Login~\Documents\SignMaster Cut Files\UserData\ColorLibs
Create a Custom Palette
1. Click on the New Palette tool and the New Color Palette window will open;
2. Type in a Name for the new color palette and then click OK and a new palette will be created under Custom Palettes;
Delete a Spot Color Palette 1. Click on and highlight the color palette you wish to delete;
1. Click on the Delete Palette tool and the following Confirm window will open:
2. If you wish to proceed click Yes and the Color Palette will be permanently deleted.
Beware! there is no undo for this operation.
Add a New Color Please note New colors swatches can be added to any palette with the following procedure applying to all palettes.
1. Select the color palette you wish to add a new color swatch to and click New Color and a color swatch will be added at the end of the current palette;
2. To set information for the new color follow Adjust an Existing Color above to set the name and color channel values for the new color.
Delete a Color Swatch 1. Click on and highlight the color swatch you wish to delete;
2. Click on the Delete Color tool and the Color Swatch will be deleted.
Beware! there is no undo for this operation.
Find (Match) a Color

Click on the Find Color tool (as shown above) and the Find Color window will open as shown above.


Click on the Color to Match dropdown (as shown above) and select an RGB Color you wish to match a Color Swatch to;

3. Click the Find Color button
4. Slide the Matching Tolerance to include or exclude more Color Swatches.
Import Color Charts If you require the full set of Pantone® (PMS) or Roland Color Swatches you can download these online from: Color Charts
Please note When downloading a Color Palette which will have a .ColLists file extension save it to a location and with a name you will recall;

Click on the Palettes menu → Import Color Palette and the Open window will come up;


Navigate to where you have saved the Color Palette on your hard disc and select the .ColList file;

3. Click Open and the Color Palette will become available in the Custom Palettes folder.
Import Adobe Color Charts To import .ai Color Charts following the Import Color Charts instructions (directly above) except select Import Colors from the Palettes menu.

To restore the Factory Default Color Libraries Open ("Win Drive Letter"):\Users\~Your Login~\Documents\SignMaster Cut Files\UserData\ColorLibs\DefaultLibrary.ColLib

*Pantone® is the registered trademark of Pantone LLC and any reference herein to Pantone® is made for your convenience only. Future Corporation has no association with Pantone LLC or X-Rite nor do we condone the use of Pantone colors or swatches.

Related Topics

SignMaster Cut and Colors (Overview)
The SignMaster Cut Colorbar
Working with Colors
Uniform (Solid) Colors
Spot Color Mixer (Editor)
Working with Spot Colors
Understanding Color and Models

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