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SignMaster Cut Curves

Future Corporation Help

Overview of SignMaster Cut Curves

Drawing Tools Flyout

Curve Creation Tools

SignMaster Cut has 3 types of curves, as follows:

Freehand Curve: Suited for quickly creating small curve sections and shapes
Polycurve: Suited for creating complex curve objects
Polyline: Suited for technical illustrations and straight line sections

SignMaster Cut's Curves are amongst the most powerful suite of Curves in any graphics program on the market today and are far superior to Bezier curves which are cumbersome to use and simply not up to the task. Polycurves and Polylines are node editable as you create them and all SignMaster Cut curves come with a large selection of powerful node tools and features. Coupled with SignMaster Cut's large suite of effects and layout tools this means you can design and output an infinite range of professional decals, signs and posters etc. quickly and easily.

Understanding Wireframe Mode

Open Curve (Normal View) Open Curve (Wireframe Mode)

When drawn on-screen Curves are by default filled objects i.e. they have a fill color (as shown in the Solid Red Curve Object above). This can be deceiving because Open Curves appear to be closed since the edge of the fill looks the same as the edge of the curve. To overcome this SignMaster Cut has a special Wireframe Mode for Curve Objects which removes the fill to reveal only the curve.

Wireframe Mode applies on an Object by Object basis i.e. it only applies to an Object if it is set to this state. To place a Curve Object in Wireframe Mode select it and click the Wireframe button which is located above the SignMaster Cut Colorbar (as shown directly above).

Related Topics

Creating a Freehand Curve
Creating a Polycurve

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