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Working with Color and Fills

Future Corporation Help

Working with Fills

SignMaster Cut allows you to set an Object's Fill as either a Color, Image, Texture, Reverse or Wireframe fill.

Image Fills
SignMaster Cut allows you to fill an object with any image or photograph (bitmap) and then set its size and tiling options of the image within the parent object, see
Image Fills

Transparency (Opacity)
Also see
Transparency (Opacity)

Reverse Fill
The Reverse Fill tool is used to convert a solid shape into an off-white color so that it may be viewed over and above any other shapes that are of the same color behind it, see
Reverse Fill

Wireframe Fill
SignMaster Cut has a special Wireframe Mode for Curve Objects which removes the fill to reveal only the curve, see
Wireframe Fill

System Colors
SignMaster Cut has special purpose system colors which are used to set a Contour Cut line, Registration Color, Under Base or Finisher Color. These colors are used with devices such as vinyl cutters and large format printers to drive the device's output, see System Colors

Related Topics

Working with Color

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