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Working with Color and Fills

Future Corporation Help

Working with Color

Color Selector

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SignMaster Cut allows you to set an Objects fill color as either a Custom, Uniform or a Spot Color (Named Color). You can also create your own named color palettes should you wish to do so and use these from the SignMaster Cut Colorbar from the right-side of the program.

Color Tools
Located within the DesignCenter are more advanced color tools and features, see Color Tools

Color Models
SignMaster Cut uses the CMY, CMYK, HSV, L*a*b* and RGB Color Models throughout all its Color mixers plus Greyscale in the Spot Color mixer. For more information on Color Models, see
Understanding Color

The SignMaster Cut Standard and Spot Colorbars

The SignMaster Cut Colorbar is broken into several sections and expands to reveal Spot Colors and Advanced tools (as shown directly above).

• Current Fill: displays the selected object's fill and if clicked will open the relevant fill dialog

• Reserve Fill: copies this fill to the selected object

• Standard Colors: is a set of system colors for general use, see Uniform Colors

• Color Ranges: increase darkness or lightness of the current fill or adjust the hue channel

• Selected Colors: displays the selected colors and all the document colors if nothing is selected

• Color Charts: opens the Color Libraries window, see Named Colors

• Spot Colors: displays all the color swatches of the current spot color chart, see Spot Colors

• Default Colors: display the default colors for the fill and pen styles

To set the Default Colors
These are set by having nothing selected and clicking the required color with the left mouse button - for the default fill color and clicking the required color with the right mouse button - for the default pen style color. Note: if you have swapped your mouse buttons over then use the vice-versa buttons.

Related Topics

Working with Fills

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