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Contour Cutting

Future Corporation Help

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Print, Laminate and Cut

Contour Cutting - Step-by-Step Process

Contour Cutting Overview

Objects Menu Contour Cutting
Contour Cut

Contour Cutting involves placing an outline around an Object or Objects in SignMaster Cut. The Object(s) but not the Outline are printed onto media such as white vinyl, later the Outline is cut out using special Registration Marks (ARMS) or a Laser Pointer and a Vinyl Cutter, which then creates a decal or sticker. The Outline can be set at any distance from the edge of the Object or Objects and cut out from a separate vinyl cutter or on a Printer-Cutter. An example of Contour Cutting is shown above.

Print, Laminate and Cut
Another application of Contour Cutting is to create a Cutline around an artwork's perimeter. The artwork (not the Cutline) is then printed and later laminated and the Cutline then cut out to create the finished artwork. Laminating is done just prior to Step 3. in the Laser help topic.

Contour Cutting - Step-by-Step Process
Contour Cutting is undertaken in a series of steps and these steps will depend on what equipment you have, which will include a Desk-top or Large Format Printer and either a Laser Pointer Cutter, a Vinyl Cutter with automatic mark sensors (ARMS) or combination of devices. The equipment you have and what you wish to make will determine how you use the modules provided with SignMaster Cut.

To simplify this process we have created a Topic for each of the typical applications, as follows:

Create a Contour Cutline (outline)
Contour Cutting with a Laser Pointer, Vinyl Cutter

Templates - Cutting Artwork from other Programs

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