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SignMaster Cut Curves

Future Corporation Help

Creating a Freehand Curve

Drawing Tools Flyout

Curve Creation Tools

A Freehand Curve is a curve drawn with the mouse or a pen (freestyle) directly onto the drawing area and automatically smoothed (improved) by the program once completed.

How to Create a Freehand Curve


Do the following

Create a Freehand Curve

Click on the Drawing Tools flyout


Click on Freehand Curve


Click anywhere in the Drawing area and hold down the mouse button and Draw out the required curve;


Let go of the mouse button and the curve will be created and then cleaned-up by the program and can now be edited, see Curve Editing

Please note When in Curve Creation mode you can switch between Curve Styles by clicking the Curve Style in the 2nd row of tools (as shown directly above).
Helpful tip Click on Cancel to go back into Object mode.

Once you have created a curve you can edit it, see Curve Editing

Related Topics

Overview of SignMaster Cut Curves
Creating a Polycurve

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