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Converting Objects

Future Corporation Help

Convert to Curves (Paths)

SignMaster Cut - Application Window
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SignMaster Cut has a number of Objects such as Shapes which have Power-Nodes i.e. on-screen controllers which along with Text use curves (paths) to form their shapes but are not treated as regular curves by the program, rather as special shapes (objects).

This has the advantage of being able to provide you with certain functionality such as being able to type in text and create any number of shapes, conversely however, there are also curve operations that you may wish to apply to shapes or text along with many Vector effects that are not possible while the object is an internal SignMaster Cut Object and not curves. As such, SignMaster Cut allows you to Convert curved based Objects into regular Curves.

Convert to Curves
Click on the Object, next click the Convert to Curves button which is also accessible from the Curves and Right-click menus.
Please note Once and object has been converted to curves it may still be a part of a Group. To access the curve structure with the Curve Tools, click on the Ungroup button also see Group and Ungroup.

After you convert an Object such as Text to Curves this cannot be reversed i.e. it is a one-way conversion. If you make a mistake, however, you can Undo this which will restore the Objects original status.

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