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Working with Objects

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Working with Anchor Points

On-Screen Editing Using the Size Tools Panel
Set an Object's Position

Open the Size Tools Panel

Set the Object's Size

Set an Object's Position

Set the Size (Mouse)

Set the Object's Size

Proportional Sizing

Set the Size by Scale (%)

Apply Last Scale

Proportional Sizing

Rubber Mode

Rubber Mode

Object Size and Position

SignMaster Cut - Application Window

Click Image to Magnify [+]

SignMaster Cut provides a number of on-screen and procedural tools to size and position all objects including curves, images, shapes and text plus all the effects which can be applied to these objects within a Document.

Size and Position Tools
For regular editing a set of commonly used size and position tools become available when an object is selected from the Toolbar in the second row of tools (as shown in the SignMaster Cut Application window above). The more advanced tools are located in the Size Tools Panel on the right-side of the program, also shown above. Both sets of tools are explained in detail (below).

Advanced Size and Position Modules
SignMaster Cut comes with 3 specialist modules to Measure, Resize (Re-scale), and Rotate (Re-rotate) objects. These modules are designed to provide you with very precise control over any objects in the designing area.

reveal/hide Reveal/Hide Tools
To keep a focus on common tasks and avoid cluttering the toolbars, many of the advanced tools and features are hidden from normal view but can be instantly accessed by clicking on the Reveal/Hide Advanced Tools button as shown directly above.

Working with Anchor Points
SignMaster Cut allows you to measure the distance from the page's origin (top left corner by default - see above) to any one of the 9 positions of any object or text as shown in the Anchor Point icon (see above). By clicking on an Anchor point the distance from the page's x and y coordinates will be automatically displayed in the x and y origin.

50mm square on a 125mm x 125mm Page (centered)
Anchor Point set to Center (where to measure from)

How to Size and Position Objects from the Toolbar


Do the following

Set an Object's Position 1.

When an Object is selected click in the x or y coordinate

2. Click the Up arrow to increase the distance from the page's origin or the Down arrow to decrease the distance from the page's origin or type in a value and press Enter.
Please note You can also use the Center node using the Pick tool to position the object visually in the drawing (see above).
Set the Object's Size 1.

When an Object is selected click in the Width or Height edit boxes

2. Click the Up arrow to increase the Width or Height or the Down arrow to decrease the Width or Height or type in a value and press Enter.
Set the Size (Mouse)

Select an Object(s) with the Pick tool see Selecting Objects

2. Click on any one of the Resizing Handles (black squares in each corner) hold down the mouse button and Drag out the handle;
3. When you Pause the Size of the Object(s) will be reported (as shown directly above).
4. Let go of the mouse button and the Object will be created at the new size.
Please note Also see Constraining Objects
Proportional Sizing

When an Object is selected and you wish to resize it Proportionally i.e. by the same width to height ratio click on Proportional

Please note To resize Non-proportionally click on the Proportional tool to unlock it.
Apply Last Scale

When an Object is selected and you wish to resize it at the Last Scale that was applied to the most recent Object i.e. by the same ratio that Object was scaled by click on Apply Last Scale from the Arrange menu (as shown directly above).
Elastic (Rubber) Mode

When an Object is selected and you wish to resize it as if it were made from Rubber i.e. so that all of it Stretches as one piece click on Elastic Mode

Please note To resize Objects based on their preset attributes e.g. Pen Thickness, Corner Style and Radius click on the Elastic Mode tool to unlock it.

How to Size and Position Objects from the Size Tool Panel


Do the following

Open the Size Tools Panel Tool Panel
Click on Tools (as shown above) and then select Size, Scale and Rotation and click the Size Tools tab, or;
1. Select an Object(s) with the Pick tool see Selecting Objects

Click on the Advanced Size Tools button to bring up the Size Tools Panel (as shown below):

Size Tools Panel
Set an Object's Position 1.

When an Object is selected click in the Left or Top edit boxes (as shown directly above);

2. Click the Up arrow to increase the distance from the page's origin or the Down arrow to decrease the distance from the page's origin or type in a value and press Enter.
Set the Objects Size 1.

When an Object is selected click in the Width or Height edit boxes (as shown directly above);

2. Click the Up arrow to increase the Width or Height or the Down arrow to decrease the Width or Height or type in a value and press Enter.
Set the Size by Scale (%) 1. When an Object is selected click in the Scale (x) or Scale (y) edit boxes (as shown directly above);
2. Click the Up arrow to increase the Width or Height by Scale, or the Down arrow to decrease the Width or Height by Scale or type in a value and press Enter.
Helpful tip The Scale x and y edit boxes Report a selected Objects scale at 100% so by definition they reset back to 100% the moment the Object has been Rescaled.
Proportional Sizing

When an Object is selected and you wish to resize it Proportionally i.e. by the same width to height ratio click on Proportional checkbox (as shown directly above).

Helpful tip To resize Non-proportionally uncheck the Proportional checkbox.
Elastic (Rubber) Mode

When an Object is selected and you wish to resize it as if it were made from Rubber i.e. so that all of it Stretches as one piece click on Elastic Mode checkbox (as shown directly above).

Helpful tip To resize Objects based on their preset attributes e.g. Pen Thickness, Corner Style and Radius uncheck the Elastic Mode checkbox.

To learn more about Advanced Resizing of an Object click Advanced Resize Tools. To learn more about the Rotation tools please click Rotate and Skew.

Related Topics

Selecting Objects
Rotate and Skew
Mirror (Flip)
Constraining Objects
Cut, Copy and Duplicate
Group and Ungroup
Lock and Unlock
Snap to
Z Order (Above and Below)

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