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Future Corporation Help

The Page Setup Window

Page Setup Window
Click Image to Magnify [+]

The Page Setup window comes with a large selection of paper sizes including all the major paper size standards from around the world including ANSI and ISO along with a large range of banner and sign banner blanks in both imperial and metric.

Working with the Page Setup Window


Do the following

Shortcut Keys
Set the Page Size 1.

Click on Settings (when nothing is selected in Object mode) or click on the Layout menu → Page Setup and the Page Setup window will open (as shown above);


From the Page Type and Page Size drop down lists select the Page you require and the current page in the Document will change to the selected size.

Please note You can set the page's orientation by clicking Page Orientation (Portrait) or Landscape.
Set the Page Options 1.

Click on Settings (when nothing is selected in Object mode) or click on the Layout menu → Page Setup and the Page Setup window will open (as shown above);


Where required you can set the Page Options which are explained as follows:

Page Name: Sets the name of the current page which also appears in the Object Manager and Property Inspector
Bleed: Sets the distance (amount) that the program prints past the Page's Border
Show Page Border: Displays or Hides the thin black line and shadow around the Current Page which creates its border

The Page Setup window can also be accessed from the Program's Layout menu and Right-click menus.

Related Topics

Opening and Saving Documents
Working with Pages and Layout

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