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Workspace and Settings

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On This Page


Copy from Page

Set the Page Size

View Page Thumbnails

The Layout Menu

Page Thumbnails Tools

Insert New Page

Right-Click Options

Delete Pages

Go to Page

Insert Pages

Working with Pages and Layout

Page Selector Page Thumbnails

Page Type and Size (Object mode - nothing selected) Click Image to Magnify [+]

SignMaster Cut works with multiple-page documents and each page can be the same or a different size. There is no limit on the number of pages any one document can have plus the program comes with a comprehensive suite of useful page tools and controls.

Page Sizes
SignMaster Cut comes with a large selection of paper sizes including all the most popular paper size standards from around the world including ANSI and ISO along with a large range of banner and sign banner blanks in both imperial and metric i.e. inches and meters.

Page Setup
SignMaster Cut allows you to set a background color, texture, gradient or image for the page which has the advantage of setting a default background for your artwork which cannot be edited and altered or removed whenever required, see Page Setup

Page Layout
The program allows you to insert and extract pages, copy pages to a new page and copy the contents, fill, guides, size or shapes from one page into another. This is a very useful and easy way to copy large sections of complex artwork between pages.

Page Navigation

You can navigate between Pages using the Page Navigator (as shown above), add a page and open the Page Setup module to adjust all page's settings.

Page Thumbnail Viewer
The program has a built-in Page Thumbnail viewer which makes Document navigation much easier and considerably faster plus there are special tools and a right-click menu to control a number of the page's attributes throughout the Document - click on the Image Magnifier above to see it in detail and where to access it.

Working with Pages


Do the following

Set the Page Size 1.

Click on the Pick tool and click anywhere in the drawing area to ensure nothing is selected and the Page tools will become available in the 2nd row of tools (as shown above);


From the left column select the Category of Page Sizes (Page Type);


From the right column select the Page Size required and the current page in the Document will automatically change to the selected size.

Helpful tip Above the Page Sizes (right column) is a listing of all the Page Sizes' in the current document.
The Layout Menu From the Layout menu in SignMaster Cut you can perform a number of tasks related to pages, explained as follows:
Insert New Page

Click Insert New Page and a single page of the same size will be created directly after the current page.

Delete Pages
Click Image to Magnify [+]

Click Delete Page(s) and the Page Selection window will open, as shown directly above;


You can select a range of pages by (i) clicking on the first page, (ii) holding down the Shift key (iii) and clicking on the last page, and all pages in between will become selected, or you can select any page by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting each page one-by-one, as shown in the selection example above;


Click Delete and the selected pages will be removed from the Document.

Go to Page 1.

Click Go to Page and the Page Selection window will open, as shown directly above;


Select the Page you wish to go to and click Accept.

Insert Pages

Click Insert Page(s) and the Insert Pages window will open, as shown directly above;


Type in the number of pages you require;


Click OK and the nominated number of pages will be inserted after the current page into the Document.

View Page Thumbnails SignMaster Cut has a Page Thumbnail viewer which makes it easy to navigate through multi-page documents, as shown below:
Click Image to Magnify [+]

Click on the Display Page Thumbnails docker and the Page Thumbnails will fly out as shown directly above;


To close click the docker button again

Page Thumbnails Tools The Page Thumbnails docker has a number of page tools, as follows:
Frosted View: 3 Sets the Master Page to be frosted i.e. less visible (on/off)
New Page: 4 Creates a new page after the last page
Delete Page: 5 Deletes the current page
Page Setup: 6 Opens the Page Setup module to adjust the page size and background etc.


Right-Click Options
right click
Page Thumbnails - Right-Click menu
Along with the toolset at the top of the Page Thumbnails there is a right-click menu, as shown above.

Many page tools can also be accessed from the right-click menus.

Related Topics

Opening and Saving Documents
The Page Setup Window

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