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Editing Curves and Lines (Paths)

Future Corporation Help

Reduce Nodes

Reduce Nodes
Reduce Nodes Tools

Often curve objects will contain additional nodes that do not contribute to the curves overall shape i.e. there are additional and unnecessary nodes which can be removed without any noticeable or significant influence on the shape of the object. These nodes can also have a negative impact when applying effects and/or when cutting the curve out.

How to Reduce Nodes


Do the following

Shortcut Keys
Reduce Nodes (by Object) 1.

Click on the Curve Object that you wish to Remove Nodes from;


Click on the Node Edit tool


Click the Reduce Nodes dropdown and then Reduce Nodes (as shown at top) and additional and/or unnecessary Nodes will be removed from the Curve Object;

Please note You can also set the parameters of the Node Reduction tool, as follows:
Smoothing: 1 Sets the Smoothing Tolerance i.e. how much to Smooth the Curve based on the % of Node Reduction - the Higher the % the Smoother the results
Reduce Nodes: 2 Applies the settings on the Selected Curve based on items 1. and 2.
Free Angles: 3 Sets the method by which rounded corners are fitted with Nodes i.e.

(a) Where an Arc segment occurs and Quarters has been set SignMaster Cut will fit two nodes to create a perfect Arc, or;

(b) Where Free Angles has been set SignMaster Cut will attempt to keep the section smooth with a minimum number of nodes.

Given the nature of Node editing we recommend that you sit back and watch the lesson on this topic to gain a better understanding of how to use these tools and features.

Related Topics

Curve Objects and Shaping Tools
Working with Nodes (Node Editing)

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