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Object and Layout Tools

Future Corporation Help

Alignment Tools

Alignment and Distribute Tools SignMaster Cut - Alignment Tools
Onscreen Preview of Align Objects to Center

SignMaster Cut comes with a large suite of alignment tools to assist you in laying out your work accurately and to save your time. The alignment tools are designed to work on (a) the objects themselves, or (b) the page the objects are associated with, or (c) the active object which is simply the last selected object in the alignment group. This system provides for comprehensive alignment of all your objects when working with the program.

Default Shortcuts
The following are the default Align Keyboard Shortcuts when one or more objects are selected in Object-mode (unless changed by the user):

Align Left L
Align Right R
Align Top T
Align Bottom B
Align Centers Horizontally E
Align Centers Vertically C

How to Use the Alignment Tools


Do the following

Open the Alignment tools Tool Panel
Click on Tools (as shown above) and then select Align, Space and Distribute Tools and click the Align tab or;
1. Select an Object(s) with the Pick tool see Selecting Objects

Click on the Alignment flyout (as shown directly above) and then click Alignment and the Align tools will come up;


Click on the Align tab (as shown directly below):

The Align tab provides you with a number of alignment combinations and provides an interactive (live) preview in the designing area as you make your selections, as explained below:
Align 2+ Objects to each other 1. Open the Align tab as explained above;
2. Click on the Pick tool and select the objects you wish to Align, see Selecting Objects;
3. Hover your mouse over the Alignment you wish to use from 1 of the 6 options in the Align Object to each other options to see a preview (in the designing area) of how the selected objects will align if the button is clicked;
Please note See an example of an on-screen preview at the top of this page.
4. Click the Alignment you wish to use and the objects will reposition as shown in the preview.
Align 2+ Objects to the Last Object 1. Open the Align tab as explained above;
2. Click on the Pick tool and select the objects you wish to Align and using the Shift key select the Object you wish all other Objects to Align to, see Selecting Objects;
3. Select the Align to Last Object Selected checkbox;
4. Hover your mouse over the Alignment you wish to use from 1 of the 6 options in the Align Object to each other options to see a preview (in the designing area) of how the selected objects will align if the button is clicked;
Please note See an example of an on-screen preview at the top of this page.
5. Click the Alignment you wish to use and the objects will reposition as shown in the preview.
Align Object(s) as a Group 1. Open the Align tab as explained above;
2. Click on the Pick tool and select the object or objects you wish to Align, see Selecting Objects;
3. Hover your mouse over the Alignment you wish to use from 1 of the 6 options in the Align as a Group options to see a preview (in the designing area) of how the selected objects will align if the button is clicked;
Please note See an example of an on-screen preview at the top of this page.
4. Click the Alignment you wish to use and the objects will reposition as shown in the preview.
Helpful tip When using this option the object(s) are treated as a Group for the operation only.

Helpful Tip

You can also access the Distribute tool panel from the Tools menu → DesignCenter → Align Tools.

Related Topics

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Space Apart

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