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The Object Selector

Object Selector SignMaster Cut - Application Window

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From a Sample Document Object Selector

The Object Selector is a list of thumbnails (small previews) of each unique object in the designing area regardless of any association it may have with the other objects. This means that each object whether it be independent or part of a group and/or special effect can easily be found, selected and then edited independently.

Hide/Display and Lock/Unlock
The advantage of having a visual Object Selector is that you can manipulate your artwork by making certain objects visible or hidden and/or locked or unlocked, but still be able to reset these view modes just as easily using the Object Selector. This flexibility will allow you to design artwork more efficiently because you can focus on the objects you wish to edit and hide or lock the objects you don't wish to work with.

Working with the Object Selector


Do the following

Display the Object Selector

Click on the Docker in the top-right corner of the program (as show above) and the Thumbnail viewer will pop out. Next click the Objects tab to view all the unique Objects that are in the designing area.

Please note You can also access the Object Selector from the View menu → Object Selector
Set Hide/Display Lock/Unlock The Object Selector has a number of Hide/Display and Lock/Unlock tools, as follows:
Locked: 1 Sets the selected Object to Locked or Unlocked (on/off)
Visible: 2 Sets the selected Object to Visible
Cuttable: 3 Sets the selected Object to Cuttable or not Cuttable (on/off)
Select Group: 4 Selects the current Object and all the other Objects in the same Group of Objects
Zoom Mode: 5 Displays the Objects either zoomed in or at their size proportional to the artwork (relative size)

Object Selector

Selected Object: 6 Displays or Selects the currently selected object or group of objects
Object Information: 7 Displays information about the object
Select Object

Click on an Object in the list and it will be selected in the designing area.

Zoom to Object

Double-click on an Object and it will be zoomed into in the designing area.

The objects are listed in their current Z-order with the most farthest at the top of the list and the closest at the bottom of the list

Related Topics

The Object Manager
The Property Inspector

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